What do they say?
They say "here I am"
They say "there you are"
They say "look at me"
They say "look at you"
But if the tree does not respond to the wind
then the tree breaks
it is as if the wind says
"how are you"
and the tree says nothing
because it is broken
but the tree that sways responds
"I am fine, thanks for asking"
The devil was the wind
and the slaves had to sway
The devil angry, that he could not break them said
"your motion is too free"
and the slaves replied
"how can that be? we are only dancing"
Oh ginga, only dancing
only dancing so they say
while the wind would break their spirits
if their spirits did not sway
My spirit keeps swaying
even when the body stops
and the world says to me
"your mind is too free"
And I respond
"it is only dancing"
It is only dancing.
And the music never stops.
They say "here I am"
They say "there you are"
They say "look at me"
They say "look at you"
But if the tree does not respond to the wind
then the tree breaks
it is as if the wind says
"how are you"
and the tree says nothing
because it is broken
but the tree that sways responds
"I am fine, thanks for asking"
The devil was the wind
and the slaves had to sway
The devil angry, that he could not break them said
"your motion is too free"
and the slaves replied
"how can that be? we are only dancing"
Oh ginga, only dancing
only dancing so they say
while the wind would break their spirits
if their spirits did not sway
My spirit keeps swaying
even when the body stops
and the world says to me
"your mind is too free"
And I respond
"it is only dancing"
It is only dancing.
And the music never stops.